I’m going through an experience that is very new to me. It’s the beginning of menopause because I’m 46. So my symptoms are that I love love love to sleep. Every chance I can get. The sleep is so wonderful and it’s the best sleep I’ve had in my life.
The downside is that I can’t get up early anymore. I used to wake up so early and be able to work longer hours. I can’t do that anymore. But maybe this is not a downside.
Also heat waves. Sometimes you get these heat waves from inside your body and it feels like a warm rain. It’s wonderful actually. I am grateful I have symptoms that don’t feel bad to me now in the beginning of menopause. Maybe it will get worse. I’m thankful that I’ve lived so many years and that I am a mother to a wonderful son!
I am single and yes that is something I feel bad about sometimes. I’ll cover that in another post.
Anyways maybe I’ll do a song about menopause? I don’t know if anybody did a song about it? Do you know ?

I think your unique way of describing your emotions regarding your body, the journey its went through and goin through could be an amazing subject many people will feel they can relate to 😍❤️ also, for us that will go into it, we need all the positive and different inspiring descriptions of it to get perspective. Its so sad tha menopause like most womens issues is being put aside in todays health info ❤️
Because as you say, having a body going through emotions and changes is beautiful ❤️